LYMI: Zen & the art of running a business


In February, I was tired of doing things the same way. I made a conscious decision to make a change, even if it meant dealing with the shock of being outside my comfort zone.

I was finished with doing everything myself, and I was ready to bring in help with my company, which would allow me to better manage my time, get back in shape, and keep moving forward.

Michael Guill, accessibility evangelist, dad and web designer with 107 designs, with an update to his original post on what it's been like to live like-you-mean-it (LYMI). 

It's been six, nearly seven, months since I laid it all out there for everyone to read. So what's happened since I decided to take the leap?

The short answer is "quite a bit." Really.

The last several months have been mostly a blur, the full spectrum of great, lousy, and everything in between. Following is the longer answer, but to keep from boring you, I'll try and stick to the basics.

The Good News

It's more than just good news, it's actually great news.

I brought in a few subcontractors to assist with projects, I started using an answering service, and I hired a virtual assistant. I don't know how I've been getting along all these years without help. I'm more organized than ever, and even when I get a little bogged down during the busy weeks, it's not as bad as it used to be. I'm getting more sleep, spending time with my family, and I'm rarely doing work on the weekends.

Key Takeaway: Be open to the idea that you can't do it all alone. It's OK to ask for help.

The Not So Great News

Shortly after I started hitting the cycling and the weights, I fell back into my habit of not doing much. It didn't stick because I was trying to workout more often than what was realistic for my schedule.

And then, it all crashed in on me and I felt like I had no time for exercise again. I had lofty dreams of cycling a few times a week, running every other day, and more.

I beat myself up over it because I couldn't stick to my goal, but I had to realize that I'd set myself up for failure in the first place.

I knew I couldn't jump right into a time commitment like that, but I tried to force it into my calendar.

However, I did keep exercising, even if not as aggressively as I'd have liked to. I've been running, lifting, hiking, and cycling this year, which is a whole lot more than I can say for 2010. I've lost a few pounds, and I consider that an improvement, but now it's time to make a little more time for regular exercise.

Key Takeaway: Plan time on your calendar for exercise, but be realistic with yourself and build up to your goal. I shouldn't have expected to go from zero back into triathlons in such a short time.

The Final Word

Without batting you over the head with too much Zen, this is really all about balance, isn't it?

There seem to be more and more situations that remind me how important something that simple really is. And I'm not just talking about work... it's what you eat, how you entertain yourself, even religion, politics, etc.

Without balance, you lose too much that keeps you sane.

Now for a whack with the Zen bat: if you're wondering how to stay inspired and motivated, start reading zenhabits if you don't already. You can thank me later.

"Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some." ~ Robert Fulghum

Are you living like-you-mean-it, or do you want to? I want to hear about it! Contribute your story here.